The Dark God: A Personal Journey Through the Underworld Review
Words are completely inadequate to describe the horror of the experience described by Mr Mann in this book. That human beings are capable of such cruel acts of senseless violence, that we have not yet evolved past such futile, disempowered expressions of rage and envy numbs the mind. What is truly extraordinary is that rather than be crushed by the calamities which befall him, Mr Mann emerges spiritually transformed and able to embrace the world as a radiant, whole being. Having been honored to work with him briefly, I can attest to the truth of this astonishing triumph. Where most of us might be filled with hate and bitterness, Mr Mann remains generous and deeply engaged in the welfare of the world around him. His story is miraculous, but the true wonder is that as we read, we come to know this potential within ourselves. A harrowing, inspiring and deeply moving book.
The Dark God: A Personal Journey Through the Underworld Overview
Imprisoned in a Turkish gaol for possession of a small quantity of hashish, the author relates how he turned to a daily practice of yoga and meditation to combat the darkness, brutality and isolation he found there. Nicholas Mann tells the reader how he found himself exploring the deepest, most fundamental issues of spirituality, facing the fear and denial surrounding the mythic Dark God figure. In doing so, he is lauded as having discovered a bold new insight into the true nature of masculine spirituality.
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Update Post: Jul 28, 2010 18:20:17
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