Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Pikachu Blir Bortført (Pikachu gets captured)

Based on a Greek myth, this is a school project where we were supposed to adopt one of three myths, which means placing the characters in a different time and space. This photo story is based on this myth. "Persephone was a beautiful girl, and one day while she was picking flowers with some nymphs on Ennasletten, the ground opens, and Hades rose up and led her away to the underworld. Only Helios, the God of the Sun, and Zeus had seen what happened. Demeter searched everywhere for her daughter until Helios revealed what had happened. Demeter withdrew in his solitude, and because she was the goddess of the harvest, the earth ceased to bear fruit. Zeus decided that this could not continue. He therefore sent Hermes to bring Persephone back. Hades reluctantly went along with it, but before Persephone left, he gave her 3-6 (the number varies) pomegranate seeds. When she later ate of the apple, she was bound to the underworld forever. She therefore had to stay in Hell for one month a year for each seed she had eaten, and every time she was in the underworld, Demeter did not let anything grow, and thus began the winter." Recognizable story? I DO NOT OWN THE MUSIC. Creds are given in the credits section.


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