"The human mind is not capable of grasping the Universe. We are like a little child entering a huge library. The walls are covered to the ceilings with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written these books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. But the child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books - a mysterious order which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects." --- Albert Einstein
Do you ever wonder about this "mysterious order" of creation and the Universe? According to my dictionary a MYSTERY is something not understood or beyond understanding; whatever resists or defies explanation; profound, inexplicable, or has a secretive quality; and/ or a religious truth that one can know only by revelation and cannot fully understand.
Is Humankind's identity a mystery? How can you really know who you are if you don't know where you came from? It is clear from archeological evidence that there are many documented mysteries in our ancient past, and that there are clues to that past around the world in the form of sunken cities, artwork and cryptic hieroglyphics, ancient structures (pyramids, etc.). It is also clear from archeological findings that humankind has not progressed in a steady upward linear progression - as science and achievements of long-lost civilizations had advanced technologies that cannot be replicated - even by the science of today.
Has modern science disproved human evolution? In 2006, genetic researchers at the University of California at Santa Cruz discovered an area of the genome they called HAR1 that appears to be unique to humans. Scientists believe the HAR1 gene plays a critical role in the advanced development of the human brain, and is a key element that sets us apart from other animals. But where did it come from? Did humans develop this distinct gene naturally through evolution? Or did it land here from another planet?
The common myth or idea that the Origins of humankind are from the stars is widespread in many ancient cultures to include the ancient Egyptians, the Mayans, the Aztecs, and the Indians. Francis Crick, the British scientist who helped discover the structure of DNA, believed that human genes could not have evolved by chance. Crick didn't feel in that period of roughly 600 million years, from the formation of the planet down to the time when the planet could first support life, there was enough time for DNA to evolve by accident. It's an enormously complicated molecule (History Channel transcript).
Crick gave this analogy: You would be more likely to assemble a fully functioning and flying jumbo jet by passing a hurricane through a junkyard than you would be to assemble the DNA molecule by chance in, any kind of primeval soup in five or six hundred million years. It's just not possible (Ancient Aliens - The Visitors, HISTP, aired on Saturday, May 01, 2010 (5/1/2010) at 07:00 PM).
All of the major religions of the world have documented that God, Gods, and/ or angels came to earth to create humans. Scientists are now speculating that extraterrestrials and/ or ancient astronauts may have come to earth from outer space to seed the human civilization.
Following are what I believe to be the origins of ancient knowledge and ageless wisdom that have been passed down to us by our ancestors through what some call the 7 Rays of Light and what I call the 7 Dimensions. Please see my article entitled, "Contemplating a 7 Dimension Theory of Everything," that lays the ground work for this article.
Although this is a collaboration of information taken from various historical, biblical (Jewish and Christian), Egyptian, Greek, Hindu, and Islamic literature, such as the Bible, the Quran, the Dead Sea Scrolls, many apocryphal books, Enoch 1, 2, 3, Jasher, Jubilees, Baruch, Solomon, the book of giants, the pyramid texts, the Egyptian book of the dead, --- I will present this as a MYTH or an unverifiable legendary narrative that presents part of the beliefs of a people - especially those dealing with their gods and heroes.
I have made every attempt to make this article accurate and complete. I would however, like to apologize in advance for offending anyone's religious sensitivities, as this is a work in progress that is very, very far from perfect. With the above disclaimer to having and/ or knowing the absolute truth, I would like to present to you a mythical 7 - Part outline of the 7 Dimensions.
1. The Seven Dimensions of God and Creation
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible (Hebrews 11:3). If you can believe that God created the world in 7 Days (Genesis 1:1 to 2:3) - then you may not have any problems believing the rest of this 7 Dimension story. Note: Some bible scholars interpret one biblical day as 1000 years.
Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, Let there be light," and there was light - and God saw that the light was good (Genesis 1:2,3). It's interesting to note that one of the first things that God created was light. The Bible proclaims that: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5).
The scientific inherent physical laws of the universe indicate that there are 7 electromagnetic energies, and 7 colors in the visible light spectrum - that when randomly mixed make up all colors, and when equally contained make up the white light. In Physics, the orbits of the electrons, from the simplest Hydrogen to the most complex Uranium, revolve in 7 electronic orbits. In Chemistry, the Periodic Table consists of 105 elements which fall into 7 grades based on the atomic structure.
Seven Dimensional Time and Space
Time itself is based on our 7 day weekly calendar derived from the 7 days of creation. Space, our earthly physical space is divided up into 7 continents, 7 oceans, and 7 seas. According to Judaism tradition, 7 is a highly spiritual number representing godliness and completeness and there are 7 heavens, 7 days of passover, Seven days of purification, and the 7 branched candelabrum or menorah. In Islamic tradition, there are also 7 heavens, 7 fires in hell, and 7 doors to hell.
7 Heavens
The First Heaven: Shamayim or Shamain
The Second Heaven: Raquia or Raqia
The Third Heaven: Sagun or Shehaquim
The Fourth Heaven: Machanon or Machen
The Fifth Heaven: Mathey or Machon
The Sixth Heaven: Zebul
The Seventh Heaven: Araboth
7 Dimensional Ancient Solar System
Prior to the invention of the telescope, man could only look up into the sky with the naked eye and only observe 7 heavenly bodies. The 7 days of creation were given names for the 7 days of the week after the below 7 Classical Planets: Sun (Sunday), Moon (Monday), Mars (Tuesday), Mercury (Wednesday), Jupiter (Thursday), Venus (Friday), Saturn (Saturday) - The 7 Rings of Saturn. Esoteric science proclaims that there are 7 streams of energy, vibrations, or 7 Light Rays that interact at every conceivable frequency - that created the Stars, Solar systems, Galaxies, and Universes that exist.
The 7 brightest stars of the Pleiades are named for the 7 Sisters of Greek mythology: Sterope, Merope, Electra, Maia, Taygete, Celaeno, and Alcyone. The beautiful group of stars known as the Pleiades is mentioned three times in Scripture. Job 9:8-9 and Amos 5:8 explain their origin, stating that the Creator 'stretches out the heavens' and is the Master of the Pleiades. Job 38:31-32 further declares that only the Lord can 'bind the beautiful Pleiades' and bring them forth in their season.
The number 7 is also linked to the moon having four phases that it goes through, with each phase lasting roughly 7 days.
7 Stars of the Big Dipper
The Big Dipper is a collection of 7 stars that has been recognized as a distinct grouping in many cultures from time immemorial. The component stars are the 7 brightest of the formal constellation Ursa Major and are named: Alkaid, Mizar, Alioth, Megrez, Dubhe, Merak, and Phecda.
7 Dimensional Earth
Along with having 7 Continents, 7 Oceans, and the 7 seas, it is commonly accepted that there are 7 major chakras (Energy Centers) on earth - one on each continent. The cardinal 7 chakras are:
1st chakra - Mt. Shasta, California
2nd chakra - Lake Titicaca, South America
3rd chakra - Uluru-Katatjuta, Australia
4th chakra - Glastonbury-Shaftesbury, England
5th chakra - Great Pyramid-Mt. of Olives
6th chakra - Kuh-e Malek Siah, Iran
7th chakra - Mt. Kailas, Tibet.
2. The Seven Archangels
Traditionally, there are 7 Archangels. The letter of Jude 1:14-15, in the New Testament makes reference to the first Book of Enoch that names the 7 as: 1. Michael, 2. Gabriel, 3. Raphael, 4. Uriel, 5. Raquel, 6. Zerachiel, and 7. Remiel. Legend has it that these 7 Archangels stood in the presence of God Almighty and reflected the 7 Rays of Light from God's throne in Heaven to the Universe.
The 7 Rays of Life
Like our Sun, which irradiates rays of visible light all over our Solar system, there is a spiritual Sun (Solar Logos) which is a source of the 7 rays of spiritual light. These rays are the 7 emanations from the "7 Spirits before the Throne of God". Their emanations come from the monadic level of awareness. In a certain sense, these 7 great and living Energies are, in their totality, the etheric vehicle of the planetary Logos:
Ray 1: Will or Power,¨Ray 2: Love and Wisdom,¨Ray 3: Active Intelligence or Adaptability,¨Ray 4: Harmony, Beauty, and Art,¨Ray 5: Concrete Knowledge and Science,¨Ray 6: Devotion or Idealism,¨Ray 7: Ceremonial Order
The Fallen Angels (Nephilim)
Prior to the flood of Noah's day, there is a very brief excerpt about the Fallen Angels in Genesis 6:1-4. "When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose,....The Nephilim were on earth in those days - and also afterward - when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them." These angels taught man sciences which were forbidden by God such as the magic in herbs, reading the stars, divination and sorcery. Enoch goes on to say: "...but they chose husbands and wives from among the humans and led greatly debauched lives, neglecting their heavenly duties..."
Ancient Egypt
"The evil happening in those days focused heavily in the land of Egypt, for this place became the center for the fallen angels and many of the deeds they did. These fallen angels, "became known as the builders of the megalithic pyramids. The leaders, who were the angelic fathers of these builders, knew the secrets of the stars and waited for the time when the morning star moved directly north of the Earth." At this time, the weight of the Earth was affected and these builders built nine great pyramids in a short time. To the men of the Earth, these structures appeared as if they were reaching to the heavens. Along with the monsters made from the miscegenation of animals, the fallen angels took the form of half-animal, half-man beasts, and with the assistance of their giant prodigy, forced mankind to worship them as gods," (The Last Days of Noah).
The Nephilim are also mentioned again in Numbers 13:32-33, "And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. They said, "The land we explored (Canaan) devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size. We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them."
7 Nephilim Nations of Giants (Fallen Angel - Offspring)
Deuteronomy 7:1, 2 and Acts. 13:19 - refers to God's command to the Israelites to exterminate the 7 Nephilim tribes living in the land of Canaan: "When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations-the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, 7 nations larger and stronger than you. . . then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy."
The apostle Paul confirmed this extermination: "When he (God) overthrew 7 nations in Canaan and gave their land to his people as their inheritance," (Acts 13:19).
The Nephilim were the origin of idolatry and polytheism. Polytheism is the belief in multiple deities, called gods or goddesses, or both that can be found in Greek, Roman, and Hindu mythology along with the worship of demigods or half-god, human-god hybrid mythological figures whose one parent was a god and whose other parent was human such as the Greek Gods': Zeus, and Apollyon.
It is interesting to note that Apollyon is also mentioned by the apostle John as the king of the fallen angels:
"And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon." (Revelation 9:11).
7 Rays of Fire
In ancient Greek mythology, Zeus takes the bull-form known as Taurus in order to win Europa. Taurus is also associated with Aphrodite and other goddesses, as well as Pan and Dionysus. The face of Taurus "gleams with the 7 rays of fire".
3. The Rainbow's Seven Rays of Light
God also sent His 7 Rays of Light (The Rainbow) after the flood as a sign:
"And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth" (Genesis 9:12-16). These 7 Rays of Light are also referred to as the 7 Archangels. These 7 great streams of energy represent each and every vibration in space, nature, and form, and they permeate all beings, objects, and all events in the manifestation of reality.
Enoch - the 7th Generation from Adam (Jude 1:14)
Legend has it that the fallen angels (Nephilim) knew that their behavior would not be tolerated by God Almighty, so they appealed to Enoch (the only righteous man on earth at the time) to speak to God on their behalf. The Bible reports in Genesis 5:24, that Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. This may have been the time when Enoch went to plead their case before God. The fallen angels behavior angered God greatly and he banished the "fallen". Sadly these angels were not suited to this job and instead of playing a positive role they began to teach man sciences that God had deemed to be forbidden. These subjects included astrology, divination, herb craft and magic.
The 7 Laws of Noah
It has been suggested that one of the main reasons for the great flood, was not only to punish man, but to cleanse the earth of the half-bred creatures created from the union of the fallen angels and humans. According to the Talmud, God gave Noah a set of 7 moral imperatives as a binding set of laws for all mankind - more than 1000 years before God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. According to Judaism any non-Jew who lives according to these laws is regarded as a Righteous Gentile and is assured of a place in heaven. The 7 laws listed by the Talmud are:
Prohibition of Idolatry: You shall not have any idols before God.
Prohibition of Murder: You shall not murder.
Prohibition of Theft: You shall not steal.
Prohibition of Sexual immorality: You shall not commit any of a series of sexual prohibitions, which include adultery, incest, anal intercourse between men, and bestiality.
Prohibition of Blasphemy: You shall not blaspheme God's name, and
Dietary Law: Do not eat flesh taken from an animal while it is still alive.
Requirement to have just Laws: Set up a governing body of law (eg Courts).
The Noahide Laws comprise the six laws which were given to Adam in the Garden of Eden according to the Talmud's interpretation of Gen. 2:16 and a 7 th one, which was added after the Flood of Noah (prior to 2500 B.C.). Later at the Revelation of Sinai the 7 Laws of Noah were regiven to Moses (1500 B.C.) with theTen Commandments, which are part of, and not separate from the 7 Laws of Noah.
4. Alchemy and the Seven Classical Planets
Early alchemists Isis and Zosimus report that alchemical knowledge came from fallen angels sexually attracted to human women, and the early Christian church fathers believed them and claimed the angels had sinned against the orders of god. The Egyptian God Thoth - the god of wisdom, however is credited with the creation of alchemy. He was believed to have invented the sacred art of writing and the concepts of justice. He taught mankind astronomy, architecture, geometry, medicine and religion. and he was the carrier of Divine messages and recorded all human deeds. The word alchemy is derived from the Greek for "The Egyptian Art," or the "Wisdom of Egypt."
The Chaldeans who existed over 7 thousand years ago and who lived in the Mesopotamian city of Babylon were alchemists who used this knowledge and the wisdom filtered down through time from the ancient Egyptian gods. They believed - 'As it is above, so it is below,' and that everything was connected to everything and based the existence of time on the movement of the 7 Classical Planets. They were the first to develop the science of astrology - by observing the order of the planets in our solar system to develop: our 12-month solar calendar; the 12 signs of the zodiac; the two 12 hour divisions of night and day; and the 28-day Lunar cycle each with it's own full Moon.
Ancient Alchemy was practiced around the world: Egyptian alchemy (5000 BC - 400 BC), beginning of alchemy; Indian alchemy (1200 BC - Present), Greek alchemy (332 BC - 642 AD), Chinese alchemy (142 AD), Islamic alchemy (700 - 1400), and European alchemy (1300 - Present).
The 7 Babylonian Gods
The Chaldeans associated the 7 classical planets with the names of their 7 Babylonian gods: Moon Nanna, Jupiter Marduk, Venus Ishtar, Saturn Ninib, Mercury Nebo, Mars Nergal, Sun Shamash. The Greeks and the Romans subsequently adopted this system and replaced the Babylonians gods with their own.
Moses was of the race of the Chaldeans. The Chaldean Mithra had his 7 Rays, and Moses his 7 Days. The Chaldeans believed in the 7 Spheres of the 7 Planets of which the sun is the center, and that from the Sun came fire and spirit. This was the astronomical religion of the Chaldeans, Jews, Persians, Syrians, Phoenicians and Egyptians." There was also the 7 Rays of Dionysus, presiding over the orbits of the 7 planets. The 7 Rays are found also in the Chaldean mystery of the "the God of the 7 Rays, who held the 7 Stars in his hand, through whom (as Chaldaeans supposed) the souls were raised",. Prior to the Christian era, this deity was known as Iao (the first birth) or Sabaoth (the Sun), and later described as "Christos of the Resurrection of Souls."
The Number 7 and Egyptian, Sumerian, Greek, Ireland (Mythology)
The number 7 was apparently the Egyptian symbol of such ideas as perfection, effectiveness, and completeness. Sumerian mythology documents that there were 7 gods in the underworld and 7 gods of destiny. In Greek mythology, there are 7 strings on Apollo's lyre, one for each of the 7 musical notes. Ancient Ireland mythology indicates that goddess Medb had 7 sons who brought space and time together, and became the 7 days of the week. These 7 sons were called the 7 Maines.
5. The Seven Vowels of Ancient Greece
The ancient Greeks had 7 vowels in their alphabet - not five. Their grammarians believed the 7 vowels contained pnuema (spirit) or the "breath of life" because the sound of each vowel could be sustained as long as one had breath in his lungs. There are three types of vowels: long (H and W), dual (A, I, and Y), and short (E and O). In the Book of Revelation, there is some evidence that the 7 Greek vowels were viewed as the "7 Spirits-of-God." The Greeks, who recorded the number of the root-races in their temples by these 7 vowels. There is an esoteric mythological tradition that links these 7 vowels to the 7 planets of astrology and the "gods" that rule them along with invocations of planets used in Egyptian temples.
Ancient World Empires run from Cities on 7 Hills
The ancients symbolically looked on the various capitals of the world - with 7 Hills as being the centers of divine sovereignty on this earth. It was common custom in the centuries before Christ for people in the Roman world to refer to the City of Rome itself as the 'City of 7 Hills. The City of Jerusalem, as it existed in the time of Christ Jesus, was reckoned to be the 'City of 7 Hills'. Babylon on the Euphrates (which became the capital of the world in the time of Nebuchadnezzar in the sixth century B.C.) was called the '7 Hilled City'. The Roman Emperor Constantine wanted to build a 'new Rome' in the eastern part of the Roman Empire and he selected a spot on the Bosphorus called Byzantium, because it was a small village also located on '7 Hills'. This made 'New Rome' as a City of 7 Hills. The apostle John, who, wrote the Book of Revelation also mentions that the last world capital would be, "Mystery Babylon, " and that it would have "7 mountains" (Revelation 17:9).
6. The Seven Ancient Wonders of the World
It is interesting to note that some of these 7 Ancient Wonders of the world are directly related to Greek gods (or some would say the fallen angels).
1. Statue of Zeus at Olympia (Greek god), 2. Colossus of Rhodes (statue of Helios the Greek god), 3.Temple of Artemis (Dianna the Greek god), 4.Tomb of Mausolus (World Leader of Persia), 5.Lighthouse of Alexandria, 6. Hanging Gardens of Babylon, 7. Great Pyramid of Giza.
7 Lucky Gods of Ancient - India, China, and Japan
The Shichifukujin are an eclectic group of 7 deities from India, China, and Japan. Only one is native to Japan (Ebisu). Three are from the Hindu-Buddhist pantheon of India (Daikokuten, Bishamonten, & Benzaiten) and three from Chinese Taoist-Buddhist traditions (Hotei, Jurojin, & Fukurokuju).
The mystery of number 7 has enraptured the Japanese as well. Ancient Japan was founded around 7 districts. In Japanese folklore, there are 7 Buddhist treasures and 7 deities of good luck mentioned above. Japanese Buddhists believe people are reincarnated only 7 times, and 7 weeks of mourning are prescribed following death. The list goes on and on -- the 7 ups and eight downs of life, the 7 autumn flowers, the 7 spring herbs, the 7 types of red pepper, the 7 transformations, and the popular 7-5-3 festival held each November for children. Girls (age 7) are welcomed into womanhood and allowed to wear the obi (decorative sash worn with kimono). Their 7 virtues are candor, fortune, amiability, magnanimity, popularity, longevity, and dignity.
7. King Solomon's Temple and the Seven Books of Wisdom
King Solomon was the ruler of a kingdom in 967 B.C.E. that extended from the Euphrates River in the north to Egypt in the south. The Bible describes Solomon as the son of David and credits him as the builder of the First Temple in Jerusalem - which took 7 years to build. He is portrayed as great in wisdom, and is credited with having 7 hundred wives and authoring the following 7 Books of Wisdom: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, and the Book of Wisdom. He was also known for his power and wealth, but ultimately as a king, his sin including idolatry, turned him away from God and lead his kingdom to be torn in two during the reign of his son Rehoboam.
It is believed that King Solomon's temple contained the golden alter of incense and the gold-covered ark of the covenant. This ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron's staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant (Hebrews 9:4-5), and it is believed that Solomon collected and stored the known ancient wisdom of the world.
I could go on to discuss in detail the Bible's use of the number seven 424 times. Although I will mention the 7 dimensions of the book of Revelation, I will save the "7 Dimensional God" for a future article:
The Seven Dimensions of the Book of Revelation
There are the 7 Spirits of God (Rev. 1:4), 7 Lamps (Rev.4:5), 7 Seals (Rev. 5:1), 7 Horns (Rev. 5:6), 7 Eyes (Rev. 5:6), 7 Trumpets (Rev. 8:2), 7 Angels (Rev. 8:6), 7 Thunders (Rev. 10:3,4), 7 Angels (Rev.10:7), 7 Thousand People (Rev.11:13), Red Dragon with The Beast with 7 Heads (Rev.12:3), 7 Crowns (Rev. 12:3), 7 Last Plagues (Rev.15:1), 7 Golden Bowls (Rev.15:7), 7 Hills (Rev.17:9), and the 7 Kings (Rev.17:10).
The questions, however still remain: Is there an intelligent, divine design or mysterious order to the Universe or do we just live in a chaotic, purposeless, and meaningless world?
What are the origins of humans? Did extraterrestrials, ancient astronauts, and or angels, gods, goddesses, or God come to earth from outer space to seed the human civilization. Surprisingly, the Bible itself gives us direct answers:
"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible," (Hebrews 11:3)
"All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth," (Hebrews 11:13).
So here we have it. the extraterrestrial/ ancient astronaut "God" created the Universe and humans by faith, and all those that live by faith in His righteousness are aliens on earth looking to return home.
This article was not written and should not be viewed or considered to be a formal scientific or theological treatise on ancient civilizations, spirituality and/ or religion. It is merely a simplistic introduction to these topics to reveal how critical they are to the human experience with the hope of assisting individuals to reassess their values, and reexamine their priorities to redefine what is really important in their lives.
My intent is not to persuade, influence, convince, or convert anyone to my personal beliefs. My goal is to help others to clarify and identify where they presently stand at this point in time, so that they can consider charting a course to get from where they are to where they desire to be someday. After all, you cannot make flight reservations if you don't know what airport you will be departing from.
References: All biblical verses are from the New International Version Bible
For more info see: http://www.7dimensions.net
James Slobodzien, Psy.D., CSAC, is a Hawaii licensed psychologist and certified substance abuse counselor who earned his doctorate in Clinical Psychology. He is credentialed by the National Registry of Health Service Providers in Psychology. He has over 25-years of mental health experience primarily working in the fields of alcohol/ substance abuse and behavioral addictions in hospital, prison, and court settings. He is an adjunct professor of Psychology and also maintains a private practice as a mental health consultant.