Port of Poseidonia: Immortal Minds and Qin
[Poseidon's birth]
Let us not all believe Atlantis and its demonic forces did not have its secrets, and dark powers, in the Underworld, for it surely did. And this sketch will bring forth, some of them--in the depths of Hell and its boundaries. (Part IX)
The Keepers
The sacred solar science of the ancients, understanding the effects of the sun on the earth to include affairs, fertility and personality, were the duties of the "Keepers" of this science, the immortals, once born into humanities realm [the Feathered Serpents, Qin being one of them, a shaman of sorts]. The information was encoded into the Keepers cranium and his imperishable soul at birth.
This information was concealed by numbers, pictures and stories to preserve the hidden knowledge to the mythological stores, for future time: of the civilizations, like Atlantis, who was the most worshipped, who claimed the highest god's, to be their protectors, during these far off days.
In the simplest sense, the eagle of Atlantis displayed the 'spirit of the sky,' and the serpent 'reincarnation' the shedding of he skin of the snake, and then we have the 'Feathered Snake', the perfect being, the Atlanteon, the Prophet, the Keeper, so it was thought: whom was the sun itself; thus, this person 'The Keeper' could do miracles, like the Moches of Peru.
Hence, these "Feathered Serpents," performed miracles (prophets of sorts) and upon their death they would go to the brightest star, so it was said. This was what was handed down to the people and this was the truth for its day.
It was Poseidon's mother, and Phrygian's grandmother [Neuch] who witnessed a great burst of light in the sky over the acropolis of Atlantis (Phrygian was not born yet). But he was told the story many times, and remembered it quite well, that was:
Lighting lit up the whole of Port Poseidonia [that day], somehow, someone while she was asleep (his grandmother) had gotten pregnant and after sixteen-months she gave birth to Poseidon, whom could speak three languages, that had only taken him three days to learn. His birth was almost dragon like, save for his eyes. He could command demons and giants at an early age, which he did and in so doing, they helped build the Acropolis there at Atlantis, and they did just that, help build the Port of Poseidonia likewise. They say one of the Watchers, Azaz'el, got her pregnant, one of the two-hundred angelic beings that left God's abode to live on earth. Defined the Almighty; he even invented the long cone hat for the Atlanteon, which would be worn for a thousand years to come, if not two or three.
Poseidon left the kingdom well equipped for Phrygian, the city had glorious obelisks, with carve designs on them, and gold and ivory covered tips, some glorified with other precious stones. The kingdom was the glory of the known world when Phrygian inherited it.
Phrygian now in the vaults of Hell was wondering why he was always thinking of Atlantis, and its history all the time, every minute it was Atlantis, or Ais (his ex-wife), and sometimes his first love Lailis, he wondered where she went to, was, for she had died a early death. He had been in Hell many years now. And he could go off at times for days or weeks day-dreaming of her and Atlantis. He was looking at each detail of his life, he had the time, and matter-of-fact he could go over each detail several times without concern. He knew in Hell there were degrees; and the Hordes of Hell, the henchmen himself had no control over which area the God of the Universe commanded a soul to go to. If He said, Hell, then it was up to Commander of Hordes to put him wherever; if he said, "The Lake of Fire," then it was there he went--the everlasting furnace of sorts.
Phrygian was not, evidently was not, as bad as some of the kings who had entered Hades realm, for they were assigned to the cold vaults where they made coats out of worms to keep themselves warm. Oh Agaliarept could go there and hassle them, but who wanted to go into the cold vaults or the horrific fires. It was better by the docks or Mount Hades.
He thought maybe it was about 225 BC at this juncture of time, for Roman echoes were heard down in Hell, they had a Republic; thus the Greek and Persian wars were over. The time of Gilgamesh had long past (2700 BC). So many ages had come and went.
Qin, the Feathered Serpent, was his teacher so many years ago who taught him all the things he'd need to know in time, in life itself, yet he did not teach him about Hell.
See Dennis' web site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com
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