This article is about demon possession. The title of this article summarizes the outcome when Jesus cast demons out of a demon-possessed man. The account of this is found in Matthew 8:28-34, Mark 5:1-20 and Luke 8:26-39. These Scriptures show us much about demon possession and the effects it has on people. Consider the following:
1. In the Matthew Scripture we are told about two men, while in Mark and Luke we are told about only one man. The outcome is the same.
2. People who are demon-possessed have no control of their actions and reactions. They are under the complete control of the demon or demons that possess them.
3. People who are demon-possessed have great strength. No one could restrain him.
4. People who are demon-possessed have are antisocial. He was in the mountains and tombs away from people.
5. People who are demon-possessed have are self-destructive. He was cutting himself with stones.
6. People who are demon-possessed have are obsessed with death. This man was in the tombs.
7. There can be more than one demon in a person at one time. This man had a legion of demons. A legion is 6000.
8. People who are demon-possessed have take on the identity of the demon or demons. This makes them out-of-touch with reality.
9. The spirits who possess people take on different characteristics. These were referred to as unclean spirits.
10. The demon or demons are a part of Satan's underworld.
11. The demon's greatest fear is hell.
12. Jesus has absolute power over demons. Jesus told these demons what they could do.
13. Through the Lord Jesus Christ people can be delivered from demon possession.
14. When people are delivered from demon possession they return back to their normal life. This man was clothed and in his right mind. He was also able to go back home and witness to his family and friends concerning what Jesus did for him.
15. If a person does not stay close to Jesus, demons can repossess him or her. When this happens, the last state of this person is worse than the first.
16. Demon-possession is nothing to play with. It is very real. It is very destructive.
People get involved in demon possession very innocently. At the start it may be just a game. The ouija board is not just a game. This is one means of entering the occult and demon possession or demon depression or oppression. I found this out the hard way. Then there are familiar spirits. These act like they are people you know. Even though I have been a Christian for years, I had this played on me at a time of weakness some years ago. These familiar spirits are so good at it they can even impersonate God and the Holy Spirit. When I was growing up we had a man in our neighborhood who thought God was telling him to kill his child.
When people are "slain in the spirit" they could be opening themselves up for demon possession. Some people get into the occult and demon possession through their "personal" horoscope readings, while others get possessed by demons through mind altering drugs. An interesting thing about witchcraft is the Greek word for it is "pharmakeia." This is the word for pharmacy in our language. Mind altering drugs, legal or illegal, can weaken us to the point that a demon can come into us. I have seen this happen to people who are on legal mind-altering drugs as well as illegal ones. I have noticed this when I counseled people. Another thing most people do not think of is rock music as an avenue to the occult and demon-possession. Some of this music has back-masking that lures people into this very destructive lifestyle. Some of the rock groups are given over to Satan.
I counseled a young lady called Virgina who turned herself over to the devil. It was not a pretty picture. She was suicidal. She was reading books that were about "killing people just for fun." She cut herself with a razor blade and called me to find out how to stop the bleeding. The good ending for Virgina was she was set free through the Lord Jesus Christ. The last time I heard, she was doing very well. Anyone who rebels against God and His Word can also open themselves up to demon possession.
The Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 18:9-12 that we should not sacrifice our children to demons, use divination, not be an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, we should not consult familiar spirits, or wizards (sorcerers), or necromancers (communicating with the dead).
If you do not heed this direct command from God, you will face the consequences. The devil is not your friend. He wants to destroy you. Not everyone who "makes a contract with Satan" ends up a total wreck. There are those who have become very famous and have amassed great possessions in this life. They appear to be doing very well. People are tempted to emulate them. However, there are many examples found in the Bible where these kinds of people who followed Satan did it to their own destruction. Revelation 22:14, 15 reads, "Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and whore-mongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves and makes a lie." The only safe thing for you to do is, "... be perfect with the LORD your God," as stated in Deuteronomy 18:13.
There is a growing number of people, in the church and out of the church, who are rejecting God and following after Satan in one way or another. They have failed to heed the warning signs God and His people have given them. They are following "strong delusions." Even in this sad state there is hope. When a person repents or turns from his or her rebellion against God and lets Him be their deliverer through the Lord Jesus Christ, he or she can have a new life with a new lifestyle. That person can come to know God as his or her Heavenly Father. This can happen right now. Just like the demon- possessed man that was described at the beginning of this article found deliverance through the Lord Jesus Christ, it can happen today. If you are in need of deliverance, cry out to the Lord Jesus Christ and be set free this very moment. May this day be the best day of your life in Christ Jesus!
Howard E. Wright's book, Deceitful Masters, which is a comprehensive Christian apologetics book, would be a great help to you. If you are ready for the truth as it is in Christ Jesus that will give you a richer, fuller life, Howard E. Wright's Deceitful Masters book is for you. The cover pages tell it all. It is very unique. There is nothing like it on the market. You will learn from it how to live this new life in Christ Jesus. If you are hungering for more of God in your life, you are invited to get your copy through his website or today.
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